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试图执行ArrayList [复制]
原标题:Got stuck at trying to implement ArrayList [duplicate]
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Closed 11 years ago.

Possible Duplicate:
Java how to: Generic Array creation

I am using tons of ArrayLists in my program that does not need most of the functionality of Java arraylist, so basicly i want to implement it myself to get better space performance.


public class ArrayList<E> {
    private E[] a;
    private int size=0;
    public ArrayList() {
    public ArrayList(int fixedSize) {
        ***a=new E[fixedSize];***




我们这样做的方式,才有异构体。 制作一系列<代码> 目标并在删除时投放。 当你重新成为阵列中唯一一个加列时,should 是安全的,但可以添加<条码>。 仅对案件进行检查。

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