English 中文(简体)
B. 为更新发行文件而设计的数据结构
原标题:clojure datastructure for mongodb document updating issue



    "key4" : 

           {"k1":"v1", "k2":"va1", "k3":"value1"},         
           {"k1":"v2", "k2":"va2", "k4":"name"},
           {"k1":"v3", "k2":"va3"}



    "key4" : 

           {"k1":"v1", "k3":"val1"},         
           {"k1":"v2", "k3":"val2"},
           {"k1":"v3", "k3":"val3"},
           {"k1":"v4", "k3":"val4"}

i 需要产出。


"key4" : 

           {"k1":"v1", "k2":"va1", "k3":"val1"},         
           {"k1":"v2", "k2":"va2", "k3":"val2", "k4":"name"},
           {"k1":"v3", "k2":"va3", "k3":"val3"},
           {"k1":"v4", "k3":"val4"}

which means that if value of k1 exist in the new array, it should merge the only object of array into new. i am implementing this structure in clojure map.



user> a
{"key4" [{"k1" "v1", "k2" "va1", "k3" "value1"} 
         {"k1" "v2", "k2" "va2", "k4" "name"} 
         {"k1" "v3", "k2" "va3"}]}
user> b
{"key4" [{"k1" "v1", "k3" "val1"} 
         {"k1" "v2", "k3" "val2"} 
         {"k1" "v3", "k3" "val3"} 
         {"k1" "v4", "k3" "val4"}]}
user> (merge-with #(map merge %1 %2) a b)
    ({"k1" "v1", "k2" "va1", "k3" "val1"} 
     {"k1" "v2", "k2" "va2", "k3" "val2", "k4" "name"} 
     {"k1" "v3", "k2" "va3", "k3" "val3"})}



In your original question, it s not clear whether you are looking for an answer that is geared primarily toward a Clojure or toward MongoDB answer. I ll take on the challenge of the answer geared toward MongoDB.

There are some tradeoffs depending on whether you are concerned with read or update performance


如果你想利用Mongo的话,你就能够不embe住/latt。 亚洲开发银行提出单一更新/复发要求,但你必须阅读 mu文件。

Below please find Clojure/monger code for both approaches, using monger [com.novemberain/monger "1.0.0-beta4"] with Leiningen.

(ns FREE-10649-clojure.test.core
  (:use [FREE-10649-clojure.core])
  (:use [clojure.test])
  (:require [monger.core] [monger.collection] [monger.query])
  (:use [monger.operators])
  (:import [org.bson.types ObjectId] [com.mongodb DB WriteConcern]))

;; some operators are missing from monger
(defmacro ^{:private true} defoperator
    (let [op# (str operator)
       op-sym# (symbol op#)]
      `(def ~op-sym# ~op#)))

(defoperator $exists)
(defoperator $mod)
(defoperator $size)
(defoperator $type)
(defoperator $not)

(deftest mytest

    (def initial_doc {
        "key4" [
                { "k1" "v1", "k2" "va1", "k3" "value1" }
                { "k1" "v2", "k2" "va2", "k4" "name" }
                { "k1" "v3", "k2" "va3" }
    (def data_to_update {
        "key4" [
                { "k1" "v1", "k3" "val1" }
                { "k1" "v2", "k3" "val2" }
                { "k1" "v3", "k3" "val3" }
                { "k1" "v4", "k3" "val4" }
    (def expected_doc {
        "key4" [
                { "k1" "v1", "k2" "va1", "k3" "val1" }
                { "k1" "v2", "k2" "va2", "k3" "val2", "k4" "name" }
                { "k1" "v3", "k2" "va3", "k3" "val3" }
                { "k1" "v4", "k3" "val4" }

    (monger.core/set-db! (monger.core/get-db "test"))
    (def coll-name "free10649")

    ;; user-supplied schema
    (monger.collection/remove coll-name)
    (is (= 0 (monger.collection/count coll-name)))

    (monger.collection/insert coll-name initial_doc)
    (is (= 1 (monger.collection/count coll-name)))

    (doseq [outer_key (keys data_to_update)]
      (def array_of_updates (data_to_update outer_key))
      (doseq [object_of_updates array_of_updates]
        (def k1 "k1")
        (def k3 "k3")
        (def v1 (object_of_updates k1))
        (def v3 (object_of_updates k3))
        (def query { outer_key { $elemMatch { k1 v1 } } })
        (def update { $set { (str outer_key ".$." k3) v3 } })
        (monger.collection/update coll-name query update)
        (if (false? (monger.result/updated-existing? (monger.core/get-last-error)))
          (monger.collection/update coll-name { outer_key { $exists true } } { $push { outer_key object_of_updates } })
    (prn "user-supplied-schema updated document")
    (prn (monger.collection/find-maps coll-name))

    ;; flattened schema
    (monger.collection/remove coll-name)
    (is (= 0 (monger.collection/count coll-name)))

    (doseq [outer_key (keys initial_doc)]
      (def array_of_docs (initial_doc outer_key))
      (doseq [doc array_of_docs]
        (monger.collection/insert coll-name (merge { outer_key true } doc))
    (prn "flattened-schema initial documents")
    (prn (monger.collection/find-maps coll-name))

    (monger.collection/ensure-index coll-name { "key4" 1 "k1" 1 })
    ;;(monger.collection/explain (monger.collection/find coll-name { "key4" { $exists true } })) ;; missing explain in monger(?)

    (doseq [outer_key (keys data_to_update)]
      (def array_of_updates (data_to_update outer_key))
      (doseq [object_of_updates array_of_updates]
        (def k1 "k1")
        (def v1 (object_of_updates k1))
        (def query { outer_key { $exists true } k1 v1 })
        (def update { $set (merge { outer_key true } object_of_updates) })
        (monger.collection/update coll-name query update :upsert true)

    (prn "flattened-schema updated documents")
    (prn (monger.collection/find-maps coll-name))

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