English 中文(简体)
从 X的XML树中选取超文本含量
原标题:Get HTML content from XML tree with Dom in Android


    <content type="HTML">
        <body>something goes there</body>
    <content type="Text">
      Something goes there

内容为文本类型,我可以查阅node.getTextContent(。 问题在于,我想从Xml树中获取所有Html含量。 因此,我想得到的结果是:

  "<html><head></head><body>some thing goes there</body></html>"

How can I do that with Document (DOM) in Android?
Note: Because I have to edit some xml content, so I can t use SAX.


See DOM parser Example:

A xml may have different type of nodes, see possible Node Types: http://www.w3schools.com/dom/dom_nodetype.asp

你们在 par子里有多种方法。 采用电离层电离层推进器的Xml 方法如下:

getElementsByTagName - Return Array of Nodes by Tag Name specified.
getChildNodes - retervies the list of childs of Node
getAttributes()- retrieves attributes of a Node
getFirstChild- returns first child node of Node Object
getNodeName, getNodeType, getNodeValue- returns corresponding values from Node


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