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如何避免一种形式状态,以免在时间结束时使我屈服于 submit?
原标题:How to save a form state from a jquery that disables my submit button when timer ends?

我在我的网站上有一只手脚印,把一个时间推到零,然后展示一个信息,使我的台子失去作用,以防止更多的数据输入我的数据库。 然而,当页重载时,当时间者完成时,我不得不去除提交纽特。 我知道,需要拯救形式状态,但我知道如何做到这一点?


function CountBack(secs) {
if (secs < 0) {
document.getElementById("cntdwn").innerHTML = FinishMessage;
$("input[type=submit]").attr("disabled", "disabled");



<form id="MakeBid" action="MakeBid.php" method="POST">
<input type="hidden" name="propertyID" value ="1"/>
<div>Bid Now <input type="text" name="pricesoldfor"/></div> 
<input id = "submit" input type="submit" value="Submit" /> 




  1. Keep the state on the server.
  2. Bef或e sending the f或m to the client, check if (s)he is allowed to write to your database.
  3. Send the f或m with embedded parameter like MyF或m.noSubmit = true;.
  4. Optionally - poll the server and check if it accepts m或e data.

So, assuming you have PHP on the server, you get something like this:

var MyF或m.noSubmit = <?php echo ($MyDB->acceptsData()) ? "false" : "true"; ?>

<input <?php if (!$MyDB->acceptsData()) {echo "disabled="disabled"";} ?> />


The above suggestion will w或k on page reload.


您可使用<代码>.serialize(>)方法储存您的表格。 之后,你可以使用淡化石块,使(restore)帝国化。



var formState = $("#MakeBid").serialize();

然后将formState作为 co的载体储存。 网页重载后,你可以读到表格式国家,并从宇宙库中解脱。


$("#MakeBid").deserialize(formState ,
callback: function(name,value){
$( input[name=" +name+ "] ).val(value);

您一定能够提交,或者不列入server-side。 如果提交了足够的数据,使服务器上的形式失去作用,而且听起来不错,那么你就不得不担心。


If enough datas are in the database, don t write to it and leave the script
Else write normally, it means the countdown s not reached the end


www.un.org/spanish/ecosoc 从来没有信任客户。


And then, after the time spent set a cookie: $.cookie( block , 1 )


  if($.cookie( block ))
    $( #submit ).attr("disabled","disabled");


EDIT: Here the full solution

var bidDuration = 10000
  , bidFinishedMessage = "C est fini !!";

  var finishBid = function() {
    $("#submit").attr("disabled", "disabled");
    $.cookie( blockBid , 1 );

  if($.cookie( blockBid ))
    $( #submit ).attr("disabled","disabled");

  setTimeout(finishBid, bidDuration);

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