English 中文(简体)
原标题:How can I detect if a browser supports the blink tag?

<<blink> tag, in browsers that support it (i.e. Catherine and Conduct), make its content blink on and off, resembling the effect of a temp strobe Light.

我正在撰写一套非标准的超文本,包括<代码>blink。 执行连接行为非常简单

(function blink(n) {
    var blinks = document.getElementsByTagName("blink"),
        visibility = n % 2 === 0 ? "visible" : "hidden";
    for (var i = 0; i < blinks.length; i++) {
        blinks[i].style.visibility = visibility;
    setTimeout(function() {
        blink(n + 1);
    }, 500);

(You can , see this in action)

But this does not detect if the browser already supports the blink tag, and in browsers that already support it, there will be a double-blinking effect. I need some feature detection that determines if the browser supports blink, and if it doesn t then it falls back on my Javascript polyfill.




我只就此事进行了一些研究,并做了一些研究。 我可以找到答案......

我确信你会再次了解安全局的财产支持检测? 确实,有<条码>案文-法令:blink。 CSS 财产。 因此,如果浏览器支持<代码><blink>,它必须支持空间安全局的财产!

This is normal CSS property detection i.e. to detect textDecoration is supported do this:

if (document.createElement("detect").style.textDecoration === "") {  
    // textDecoration supported

Perhaps you could try something like this:

if (document.createElement("detect").style.textDecoration === "blink") {  
    // textDecoration: blink supported ?



我有4个浏览器和组件,因此用4个浏览器进行了测试。 在这4个国家中,只有PeFox支持Blink tag. <blink>在超文本文件中登记为FF的“Span”要素,但在其他3个浏览器中登记为un known


<script type="text/javascript">
function investigate() {
    var blinker = document.getElementsByTagName("blink")[0];
    document.getElementById("monitor").innerHTML += blinker;

<body onload="investigate()">
<blink>Hello, blink!</blink>
<div id="monitor"> </div>



因特网探索者 [7,8,9] notsupport/strong>

Hello, blink!

页: 1

Hello, blink!
[object HTMLUnknownElement]

4. 索要 [5]未支持

Hello, blink!
[object HTMLElement]


Hello, blink!
[object HTMLSpanElement]



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