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原标题:PJSIP Openembedded

我想从Toradex收集PJSIP用于我的Colibri iMX7。 我添加了我的Pjsip meta-layer,我撰写了文件()。 命名为Pjproject_2.6.bb,这是最新版本,我改变了制片。

The tree of my meta-pjproject is as follows:

 ├── conf
 │   └── layer.conf
 └── recipes-pjproject
     └── pjproject
         └── pjproject_2.6.bb
         └── MD5SUM.TXT

But when compiling it doing bitbake pjproject I have this error:

 ERROR: configure failed
  ../pjproject-2.6/configure: 2: ../pjproject-2.6/configure: ./aconfigure: not found

http://pastebin.com/8XAZbAp3”rel=“nofollow noreferer” http://pastebin.com/8XAZbAp3

And the folder /home/boby/oe-core/build/tmp-glibc/work/armv7at2hf-neon-angstrom-linux-gnueabi/pjproject/2.6-r0/pjproject-2.6 is empty.

Here is a working bb file compiling PJSIP for Openembedded: pastebin.com/CWQJ1Z8r

Tree of the layer:

 ├── conf
 │   └── layer.conf
 └── recipes-pjproject
     └── pjproject
         └── pjproject_2.6.bb


root@colibri-imx7:# python
>>> import pjsua
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
ImportError: No module named pjsua



configure: ./aconfigure: not found

混凝土被打破,在从源树外运行时不会奏效。 你们可以继承“autotools-brokp”而不是“autotools”,以便在源树内建造比喻,或者你可以确定该项目,以配合树外的结业。

Don t get tempted to write your own do_configure(): autotools and autotools-brokensep classes do a lot of work for you that you really want done.


LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://MD5SUM.TXT;md5=xxx"

这几乎肯定是错误的。 你应该提到源球中的档案。 Try “file://COPYING;md5=xxx”


This looks pretty weird, as do some of the exports in do_compile_append...

How are you sure this is the good BB file? Because it seems some files are missing on the target image... Also, assuming you are cross compiling, shouldn t you append

EXTRA_OECONF += "--host=arm-poky-linux-gnueabi"

to your recipe?

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