English 中文(简体)
通过在 Java绘制地图
原标题:Streams for iterating through Map of List of Map in Java

I have a map that contains Integer as key and (List of Map of String as key and boolean as the value) as value. Map<Int, List<Map<String, Boolean>>>, I want to populate a set that has Int as key of the outer map based on condition.


public Set<Integer> getValue(String input){
        Map<String, Boolean> in1 = new HashMap<>();
        in1.put("test_1", true);
        Map<String, Boolean> in2 = new HashMap<>();
        in2.put("test_2", false);
        Map<String, Boolean> in3 = new HashMap<>();
        in2.put("test_3", false);
        Map<String, Boolean> in4 = new HashMap<>();
        in2.put("test_4", true);
        List<Map<String, Boolean>> l1 = new ArrayList<>();
        List<Map<String, Boolean>> l2 = new ArrayList<>();
        Map<Integer, List<Map<String,Boolean>>> map = new HashMap();
        map.put(123, l1);
        map.put(345, l2);

        Set<Integer> result = new HashSet<>();
        for(Map.Entry<Integer, List<Map<String, Boolean>>> entry : map.entrySet()){
            for(Map<String, Boolean> m: entry.getValue() ){
                if(m.containsKey(input) && m.get(input) == true){
        return result;

因此,我基本上想先从外部地图上抹去,以便绘制内部地图,然后绘制内部地图,以核实投入是否存在,并添加到一套内容。 我如何利用java 8溪流做到这一点?

我尝试了 lo,但我要用 Java流取代它。


This produced the same results as your code in a test that passed "test_1", etc. into it.

    .filter(entry -> entry.getValue().stream()
        .anyMatch(m -> m.getOrDefault(input, false)))


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