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原标题:Is there a way to fire a function in React when user enter new URL to go to different part of the app?



我只想看到<代码>/共享/page<>/code>,但如果他们试图进入新的圆形,如<代码>/dash板。 我完全不赞成。

What I did try.

  • 。 安装在使用效果中,但似乎在用户进入新温度时不会发射。

    useEffect(() => {
    }, [location.pathname]);
  • beforeunloadeven listener not trigger as well.

    useEffect(() => {
      const handleBeforeUnload = () => {
      window.addEventListener( beforeunload , handleBeforeUnload);
      return () => {
        window.removeEventListener( beforeunload , handleBeforeUnload);
    }, []);

我假定,当新车进入和使用报刊进入时,React将全页重载。 在重载时,用户已经进入一个新的构成部分,使所有用户(在我预期用户看到的构成部分之外)都不会触发。

Is there anyway other way to do this?



  • when the user is logged in: store the authentication state in a variable (a store or just a module since modules are singleton). A boolean value should be enough
  • in all your protected routes, check the value of the authentication state at each render. If the value is false, redirect the login page.

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