表格很好地显示了这种数据,但是,如果你不得不每几周洗ed,则不能 。
www.un.org/spanish/ecosoc 哪些工具能够非常迅速地和安放现有的超文本表格;清洁地添加/移除/列单栏和安放;浏览迅速和安放;无休止地请上。
Can be online, GUI or WYSIWYG (prefered) or command-line driven, on or off-line (though online with JavaScript engine that is Node.js compatible is preferred).
Or perhaps another way is better to show tabular data that changes every few weeks, like AJAX presenting JSON data, but still need some hand-holding for the best scenario here also.
Table & suggestion in question: https://github.com/kangax/es5-compat-table/blob/gh-pages/es6/index.html