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delayed queries queries
原标题:Have delayed_job log "puts", sql queries and jobs status


2012-04-20T03:57:44+0000: Cacher completed after 5.3676
2012-04-20T03:57:44+0000: 1 jobs processed at 0.1744 j/s, 0 failed ...

我想要做的是,它也要记录所有我的<代码>put。 我的问询,以及我的问询,如同在发展模式中所做的一样,但依然贴在<代码>log/delayed_job.log上。


Delayed::Worker.logger = Rails.logger
Delayed::Worker.logger.level = Logger::DEBUG

(所有我<代码>puts) 如今已经停下来,但不再有工作身份记录,也没有问询。



Delayed::Worker.logger = ActiveSupport::Logger.new("log/delayed_job.log", Rails.logger.level)
Delayed::Worker.logger.auto_flushing = 1

#only reassign AR logger if we re in a delayed process(rake task or script/delayed_job)
if caller.last =~ /script/delayed_job/ or (File.basename($0) == "rake" and ARGV[0] =~ /jobs:work/)
  ActiveRecord::Base.logger = Delayed::Worker.logger

但... 主动支持:正在对以下项目进行折旧:

此外,你可能希望轮换你的标识? 因此,我认为这更好:

Delayed::Worker.logger = Logger.new("log/delayed_job.log", 5, 104857600)

if caller.last =~ /script/delayed_job/ or (File.basename($0) == "rake" and ARGV[0] =~ /jobs:work/)
  ActiveRecord::Base.logger = Delayed::Worker.logger

The constructor says keep around 5 log files and rotate when the current log file hits 100Mb. See here for details: http://www.ruby-doc.org/stdlib-1.9.3/libdoc/logger/rdoc/Logger.html#method-c-new

Credit to: http://www.heedspin.com/2011/01/17/delayed-job-logging.html for the inspiration



require  delayed_job_log_setup 
Delayed::Worker.plugins << DelayedJobLogSetup


require  delayed_job 

class DelayedJobLogSetup < Delayed::Plugin
  callbacks do |lifecycle|
    lifecycle.before(:execute) do |worker|
      Rails.logger = worker.logger
      ActiveRecord::Base.logger = worker.logger

不幸的是,我试图将 log子-拼凑起来的<代码>目标#puts直接称作 log(在gin子里)的尝试,仍然 t不去欧佩集团想要做的事情。

这样做的另一个办法是,在您的铁路申请中,在<代码>上填写必要的标识文件。 我们现在看着这一点。

#!/usr/bin/env ruby

require File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__),  .. ,  config ,  environment ))
require  delayed/command 

# This was added to make sure the DJ log has the same log level 
# as the rails app, and to ensure ActiveRecord uses the same log 
# when loaded inside a DJ worker process.
Delayed::Worker.logger ||= Logger.new(File.join(Rails.root,  log ,  delayed_job.log ), Rails.configuration.log_level)
ActiveRecord::Base.logger = Delayed::Worker.logger



更为重要的是,在不涉及延迟工人过程的假设情景下,不会出现忽略AR记录的风险。 对我们来说,这种做法与其他一些答案相似,造成许多头痛和混乱。

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