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原标题:How to set the proxy configuration in objective c

I am a newbie to objective c. I am developing a mac application which include several network communication. Usually I am posting data to our data center using direct internet connection. I would like to do the same using local proxy connection. Can I do this using NSURLConnection? if not can you please let me know the correct method to connect send and receive data using proxy connection?


<代码>NSURLConnection将自动使用代用系统环境。 你们不需要做任何事情来做到这一点。




Sample code to post data via proxy.

ASIHTTPRequest *request = [ASIHTTPRequest requestWithURL:fullURL];

    [request setProxyHost:proxyIP];

    [request setProxyPort:proxyPort];

    [request setProxyUsername:proxyUserName];

    [request setProxyPassword:.proxyPassword];

    [request appendPostData:theBodyData];

    [request startSynchronous];

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