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原标题:java messaging - how to create an ad-hoc network [closed]

我有3名客户。 我愿提出一个申请,说明每个客户何时上网,何时不以联合管理系统(java电传和散射服务器)为基础。 现在,我成功地利用JMS(座标1)建立了发送和接收信息。

I don t know from where to start in order to make my application alive.

Thank you. Need help. Appreciate!


First of all, JMS is quite a heavy-weight way to implement this behaviour. You d be far better off using a MulticastSocket.


  1. each client sends a heartbeat messages identifying itself at predefined intervals until it is closed or dies.
  2. the monitoring application listens for those heartbeat messages, keeps track of the clients that have identified themselves in the heartbeat messages and assumes a client is dead when the heartbeat messages stop for a given client.

有了JMS,这些电文将发送到单一电站,网址是:。 页: 1



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