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MVC 博士资源[闭门会议]
原标题:MVC Php resources [closed]

我愿学习Sphp。 在网络方案规划方面,我是起点。 因此,我计划首先不使用任何框架,直到我对语言基本原理有合理理解[我从SO中的其他职位提出这一建议]。 此外,我发现,在SO中,有两间员额在网址上查阅文件,以学习php。

但是,我看到了几个职位,这些职位建议开发商参照在木夫茨和营地强调的地点/手册。 因此,我是否正朝着从营地开始选择php.net的方向前进?

[ ] 请将此问题作为“完全合用的”问题予以结束,因为我花了时间来构造这一问题,而且我正计划从明天开始,这样,这一反应非常重要:]

Thanks, Pavan


When some one ask me, how to learn PHP, then I ask him to start from w3schools.com as this site contain tuturials to do something. Then I recommend you to get some good PHP books/ebooks. Lynda video lectures is also good place to start if those are affordable for you. Otherwise try ebooks of wrox,packt and sams is good place to learn PHP. As intention of writers is to teach you PHP so they tell you so many things while php.net like sites are good for people who already know how to work but just use it for reference purpose.

一旦你具备良好或最起码的基本知识,那么你就应当学习《Igniter或Yi e.t.c法典》等一些MVC金字。

However, currently there are so much developers in PHP and they have so much in them like they know many frameworks, they know many CMS so I think it is wise to enter in some more specific framework sort of thing like RubyOnRails, like Django e.t.c. But still it is just a thought, if you really like PHP and want to learn it then I hope that above will give you a good idea of how to learn.



语言始终是一个偏好的问题,我倾向于像p.net mvc3(soon 4)一样,远远大于php。 如果你学习了网站,你可以开发网址。 如果你用 as子学习C#,你就可以在无数的平台上使用这种平台(单托式蜂窝和单一roid的roid、窗户电话、 desktop、带有单一、极端 n的3d游戏的平台,以及各种选择的继续使用)。

also an argument for php is the large group of free contributors since its open source, my opinion is microsoft makes their tools amazing cause its one of their large livelyhoods. I have never seen an ide that can come close to visual studio 2010, not even ballpark (and the free versions are very nice too).

最后,有吨免费录像。 阅读是 n,但不是1992年。 i 读读到,是主。 投资于低廉的二线监测器,并在二次监测时看到蚊子。 With asp.net and www. 就像p.net,你将非常迅速地开发令人惊讶的服饰,学习一种语言库,可以实现你在当今行业所希望的一切,而这一切都是免费的。


php.net是一个参考网站,实际上不是学习购买力平价的地方。 MVC是不同的,它并不具体针对PHP,而不管怎样,它有不同的气味。


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