Some short explanations: 3 threads are running parallel (pthread), solving the same problem in different ways. Each thread may pass information to the other thread (e.g. partial solutions obtained by the one thread but not by the other, yet) for speeding up the other threads, depending on his own status / available information in his own calculation. The whole process stops as soon as the first thread is ready. Now I would like to have a unique time measurement for evaluating the runtime from start until the problem is solved. ( In the end, I want to determine if using synergy effects through a parallel calculation is faster then calculation on a single thread).
在我看来,问题在于(由于运行系统暂停/不铺设单一线透镜),在过程通过信息时,每个过程状态都不是决定性的。 这意味着,某种信息是在接近1时的xxx装置之后获得的,但不能控制这种信息,无论是在计算中花去的 y脏或zz脏时间之后,read2接收这种信息。 假设这一信息在任何情况下都会达到2的计算结果,根据操作系统的行动,2版的运行时间要么是 y或zz。
在进行时间比较时,我能做些什么来获得决定性行为? 曼 谷 我命令操作系统操作每一条read的“捆绑床”(多分机)? 在执行(c++)方面,我是否可以做些什么?
Best regards Martin