English 中文(简体)
原标题:Using SUM based on ROWCOUNT




user             service             available         scheduled
User1            Service1            120               7
User1            Service2            40                0

附表一栏的计算方法是,在我的<代码>指定表内,采用 End领域。



  • 1 NOA per User
  • Multiple Services per NOA
  • 1 表格 职类

  • 任用 FormTypeID as a FK

  • ClientAppointment holds the AppointmentID and UserID (the same user with the assigned NOA)


 noa.noaID, noa.userID as  ClientUserID , 

 service.BillingCode + service.MOD1 + service.MOD2 + service.MOD3 + service.MOD4 AS     BillingCode, service.FormTypeID, service.StartDate, service.EndDate, service.CurrentUnits, service.Adjustment,

 LEFT JOIN LEL_Service service ON service.noaID = noa.noaID
 SELECT ca.ClientID, SUM(DATEDIFF(second, a.Start, a.[End]) / 3600) as ScheduledUnits        FROM LEL_Scheduler_Appointment a
 LEFT JOIN LEL_Scheduler_ClientAppointment ca ON a.ApptID = ca.ApptID
 WHERE a.Start BETWEEN  1/1/2012  and  1/31/2012 
   AND a.[End] BETWEEN  1/1/2012  and  1/31/2012 
 GROUP BY ca.ClientID

 ) AS scheduler ON noa.UserID = scheduler.ClientID

WHERE noa.UserID = 4
AND service.StartDate BETWEEN  1/1/2012  and  1/31/2012 
AND service.EndDate BETWEEN  1/1/2012  and  1/31/2012 

ORDER BY  ClientUserID , BillingCode, FormTypeID, StartDate


(noaID, ClientUserID, BillingCode, FormTypeID, StartDate, EndDate, CurrentUnits,     Adjustment, ScheduledUnits) VALUES
(203, 25,  x888 , 6,  4/16/2012 4:24:19 PM ,  4/16/2012 4:24:19 PM , 0, 0, 5.000000), 
(203, 25,  x999 , 1,  4/1/2012 12:00:00 AM ,  4/30/2012 12:00:00 AM , 10, 0, 5.000000)



请重新研究您的询问,以使用一条线子座。 业绩可能受到影响,但获得正确询问会比较容易。

noa.noaID, noa.userID as ClientUserID, 
service.BillingCode + service.MOD1 + service.MOD2 + service.MOD3 + service.MOD4 AS BillingCode,
service.FormTypeID, service.StartDate, service.EndDate, service.CurrentUnits, service.Adjustment,
    SELECT COALESCE(SUM(DATEDIFF(second, a.Start, a.[End]) / 3600), 0) as ScheduledUnits
    FROM LEL_Scheduler_Appointment a
        INNER JOIN LEL_Scheduler_ClientAppointment ca ON a.ApptID = ca.ApptID
    WHERE a.Start BETWEEN  1/1/2012  and  1/31/2012 
        AND a.[End] BETWEEN  1/1/2012  and  1/31/2012 
        AND ca.ClientID = noa.UserID
        AND a.ServiceID = FormTypeID
) as ScheduledUnits
    LEFT JOIN LEL_Service service ON service.noaID = noa.noaID
WHERE noa.UserID = 4
    AND service.StartDate BETWEEN  1/1/2012  and  1/31/2012 
    AND service.EndDate BETWEEN  1/1/2012  and  1/31/2012 
ORDER BY ClientUserID, BillingCode, FormTypeID, StartDate

Above the ORDER BY clause, add a UNION ALL line and then a new SELECT query that specifically pulls the info for that same user with no schedule. Just make sure the new query has the same columns as the top query, even if you have to hard-code NULL values. Here s the general syntax:

SELECT [stuff] FROM Table1 WHERE [A]
SELECT [samestuff] FROM Table1 WHERE [B]
ORDER BY [somestuff]

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