English 中文(简体)
Move D. 新闻职位和与习俗类型和分类相关的分类
原标题:Move WordPress posts and related taxonomy to custom post type & taxonomy

I have a clean WordPress installation using Twenty Eleven, with no plugins or other modifications. The blog contains approximately 800 posts with related tags and categories.

我愿将所有这些职位调往习俗员额。 通过在我的职能中增加以下法典。 现在,我的博客已经安装并完美地工作。

//Add custom post type
add_action(  init ,  create_en_post_type  );
    function create_en_post_type() {
        register_post_type(  en_post ,  array(
             labels  => array(
                 name  => __(  English Posts  ),
                 singular_name  => __(  English Post  )
             public  => true,
             menu_position  => 5,
             rewrite  => array( slug  =>  en ),
             supports  => array(
                 title , 
                 editor , 
                 author , 
                 excerpt , 
                 comments , 

//Add belonging custom taxonomy
add_action(  init ,  build_taxonomies , 0 ); 
    function build_taxonomies() { 
    register_taxonomy(  english_categories ,  en_post , array(  hierarchical  => true,  label  =>  English Categories ,  query_var  => true,  rewrite  => true ) );
    register_taxonomy(  english_tags ,  en_post , array(  hierarchical  => false,  label  =>  English Tags ,  query_var  => true,  rewrite  => true ) );

现在,我都需要将固定员额类型改为我的习惯员额类型。 我已设法利用Plugin Convert Post打字,但我的纳税人已经转换。

我认识到,我只能创建类似的习俗类别,并将习俗员额分配给它们,但究竟是谁? 我如何转换这些标签(自动点数为1 200tag)?




  • wp_term_taxonomy
  • wp_terms
  • wp_term_relationships

In the terms table you will find the id of the old and new taxamonies
in term_taxonomy replace all old term_id with the new.


UPDATE `wp_term_relationships` SET `term_id` = REPLACE(`term_id`, /*old id*/, /*new id*/);

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