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为商业逻辑层设计人工测试案例(烟雾、回归等)? [闭门]
原标题:Designing manual test cases for Business Logic layer (Smoke, Regression, etc.)? [closed]
Closed. This question is opinion-based. It is not currently accepting answers.



My question is, is it reasonable to perform manual testing (testing would be as defined here) in scenarios as described above, and if so:

  • How detailed should the system tests be for the BL layer?
  • In the case of general system tests and smoke tests, will designing each test to cover a particular requirement be sufficient for coverage?


REQUIREMENT: If a user provides two cost entries for the same type of
       item, the application will take the higher of the two costs, and zero
       the second.
TEST: Add two cost entries, both for vehicle use, submit the ticket. 
      Verify that the invoice for the ticket only shows the higher of the two.
  • Anything else I should take into consideration when designing manual tests?


你们的制度需要多长时间的支持? 在你登船后,任何人都需要再次进行退步测试? 如果是,这些测试必须足够详细,使其能够根据文件进行测试。 否则,哪怕是两人均写文章?

有了正确的工具,即使 your和 B子合并,你也可以通过UI自动进行黑箱测试。 如果您的制度将存在多年,而退步的代价是巨大的,那么你就应考虑试图通过情报和安全局使检测自动化。 可执行的测试案例比书面测试案例文件要贵得多。

In the case of general system tests and smoke tests, will designing each test to cover a particular requirement be sufficient for coverage?

至少,你们还需要进行探索性测试,并试图打破对冲案件的方案,以便在进行人工测试时尽量扩大你的现场视察。 测试快乐道路将产生比试图在最边缘情况下打破这条路要小得多的诱惑。

还考虑了要求中的任何遗漏。 根据你们的要求的抽象程度,可以忽略很多情况。

Anything else I should take into consideration when designing manual tests?

您可以做些什么来使试验装置的建立自动化,并实行这一系统。 即使你不能将这一额外步骤推向自动测试,如果你能够立即安装测试装置,你也可以节省大量时间。



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