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原标题:Connecting to neo4j using ColdFusion


I was able to connect to neo4j 1.6.1 using this guide as a starting point: http://ghostednotes.com/2010/04/29/using-neo4j-graph-databases-with-coldfusion . However, it was a short lived success. I have since uninstalled neo4j 1.6.1 and installed 1.7.

I am now running Apache, CF 9.0.1 on windows XP as a local dev box. I added ... eo4j-community-1.7lib to my CF class path and the libraries are listed in CF Server Java Class Path. neo4j is running fine, as I can use their administrator interface: http://localhost:7474/webadmin/# . CF and Apache are also running fine. I use them daily.

虽然下面的法典是行之有效的,但我真的希望看到使用新4j网络管理者的情况。 因此,我可以协调我的“新4j”学习,同时在“CF”应用中使用数据。

<Code: (Works)

    dbroot = "/tmp/neo4jtest1/";
    graphDb = createObject( java ,  org.neo4j.kernel.EmbeddedGraphDatabase );
    graphDb.init( dbroot &  var/myFirstGraphDB );

因此,我试图与新4jdb图表相连接。 然而,该法典失败了。

<>strong>Code: (fails)

    graphDb = createObject( java ,  org.neo4j.kernel.EmbeddedGraphDatabase );
    graphDb.init( dbroot &  graph.db );


    Object instantiation exception.
    An exception occurred while instantiating a Java object. The class must not be an interface or an abstract class. Error:   . 

如果我删除<条码>,<>,载于<条码>。 然而,这支 d不见于他们的行政:

我 m一ice,请 down回答。


奥基,我认为,你重新努力实现的目标是不可能的。 在CF(通过 Java)内,无法获得新4J的接合机(适用Caveat 1)。

如果你把新4J一揽子方案的所有支柱都纳入Adobe CF,那么最有可能的是新4J行政接口正在研究它自己的新4J档案系统。 当你创建有床位的服务器时,它并不连接同一数据库,因为它根本无法开张。

Embedded Neo4J don t work as a standard database connection. 一家被遗弃的新4J公司读写给一个局域(主字:目录,只开一个档案,但有一个整座楼群)。 没有任何两例新4J案件可以进入同一局域(适用2号)。

Ok, The caveats:

1- 从理论上讲,可以人工启动行政接口,以便使用你通过 Java创建的床位服务器。 Java的法则足够简单(从:

// Create your embedded graph db somewhere
src = CreateObject("java", "org.neo4j.server.WrappingNeoServerBootstrapper")
// The server is now running
// until we stop it:


2- 可能有1个读/读新4J,进入一个地点,然后有多个读新4Js(EmbeddedReadOnlyphDatabase)阅读同一地点(但我从未尝试过)。

You do have the option of using the REST interface - either manually, or via the Neo4J Java REST Binding (kinda slow, though).


至少有一座CF/Neo4J桥被拆除,但远远不完整。 我工作了,但是,如果我能够公开提出,我需要说几句。

Just a small addition to otupman s comments. I can confirm his theory of connecting to the admin interface from CF. Adding the following jars to the CF class path seemed to be enough to get the basics up and running. You may need additional jars if you are using more advanced features. Note, I am using Tomcat so the exact jars may differ slightly for your environment

  • neo4j-community-1.7/lib/*.* (entire directory)
  • <代码>neo4j- Community-1.7/system/lib: (仅限下文的段落)

    • asm-3.1.jar
    • asm-analysis-3.2.jar
    • asm-commons-3.2.jar
    • asm-tree-3.2.jar
    • asm-util-3.2.jar
    • commons-configuration-1.6.jar
    • jackson-core-asl-1.8.3.jar
    • jackson-jaxrs-1.8.3.jar
    • jackson-mapper-asl-1.8.3.jar
    • jersey-core-1.9.jar
    • jersey-multipart-1.9.jar
    • jersey-server-1.9.jar
    • jetty-6.1.25.jar
    • jetty-util-6.1.25.jar
    • neo4j-server-1.7-static-web.jar
    • neo4j-server-1.7.jar
    • rrd4j-2.0.7.jar


    factory = createObject("java", "org.neo4j.graphdb.factory.GraphDatabaseFactory");
    dbroot = ExpandPath("/neo4jtest/");
    graphDb = factory.newEmbeddedDatabase(dbroot &  myFirstGraphDB );

    Bootstrapper = createObject("java", "org.neo4j.server.WrappingNeoServerBootstrapper");
    graphServer = Bootstrapper.init( graphDb );

    application.graphServer = graphServer;
    application.graphDb = graphDB;



<><>Edit>: 在经过一些进一步测试之后,我认为最好在OnServerStart装满一次。 然后,用倒闭 h来关闭。 但是,由于这只是一个地方发展箱,它不太重要。

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