I was able to connect to neo4j 1.6.1 using this guide as a starting point: http://ghostednotes.com/2010/04/29/using-neo4j-graph-databases-with-coldfusion . However, it was a short lived success. I have since uninstalled neo4j 1.6.1 and installed 1.7.
I am now running Apache, CF 9.0.1 on windows XP as a local dev box. I added ...
to my CF class path and the libraries are listed in CF Server Java Class Path. neo4j is running fine, as I can use their administrator interface: http://localhost:7474/webadmin/# . CF and Apache are also running fine. I use them daily.
虽然下面的法典是行之有效的,但我真的希望看到使用新4j网络管理者的情况。 因此,我可以协调我的“新4j”学习,同时在“CF”应用中使用数据。
<Code: (Works)
dbroot = "/tmp/neo4jtest1/";
graphDb = createObject( java , org.neo4j.kernel.EmbeddedGraphDatabase );
graphDb.init( dbroot & var/myFirstGraphDB );
因此,我试图与新4jdb图表相连接。 然而,该法典失败了。
<>strong>Code: (fails)
graphDb = createObject( java , org.neo4j.kernel.EmbeddedGraphDatabase );
graphDb.init( dbroot & graph.db );
Object instantiation exception.
An exception occurred while instantiating a Java object. The class must not be an interface or an abstract class. Error: .
如果我删除<条码>,<>条码>,载于<条码>。 然而,这支 d不见于他们的行政:
我 m一ice,请 down回答。