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原标题:How do programs like CPU-Z / HWMonitor monitor?

So this has been something that has been bugging me for a while.
How do programs such as CPU-Z actually monitor things such as voltage and frequency? I am by no means a very experienced programmer, but things that seem complicated always interest me.

Things that I have used, WMI for example, seem to provide a snapshot, and are inaccurate. CPU frequency doesn t change, and voltage is rounded to two digits (e.g. anything from 1.1 to 1.199 becomes 1.1).

I would expect that some sort of driver has been written, to grant lower-level access, but Googling seems to reveal nothing on how these programs work.

If anyone could enlighten me, and possible give a code example (if it is not too difficult), I would be grateful. Thanks.


它最有可能是针对BIOS或CBOet的低水平方案规划。 你可能不得不在英特网或阿拉伯千年发展目标网站上找到类似文件。


the voltage can be read with RDMSR instruction(index 0x198),you can check the 64-ia-32-architectures-software-developer-manual for details.you may need the library winring0, visual studio doesn t support RDMSR instruction.you can google winring0 to download the library.the core voltage=EBX[bit0-bit15]*(float)1/(2^12). I tried but haven t got the right frequency yet. 64-ia-32-architectures-software-developer-manual

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