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原标题:Ruby rails - jQuery JS being executed but not making ajax call


I have this button to make an ajax GET request to a method in the controller, the method will partial render. When I click on the button I don t see any request coming on the console but I see the alert "test" on the browser.
I have the same exact JS with other parameters working for other tupes of ajax calls, so I just copied one of them and changed all required parameters, expecting it shall work right away. Neither I get any errors on the console. My routes and id names are good and verified. What is it that I am missing here?


<%= button_tag "Add / Remove", :id => "add_remove_button", :onclick => "javascript:add_remove();" %> #note: this is buried under div tags in a html table


 function add_remove(){
$( #add_remove_button ).click(function() {
        type:  GET ,
        url: "/item/add_remove", 
        success:$( #view_item ).html(data)

        /*function(){  },
        data:$( #test ).serialize(),
        error: function(){  },
        success: function(data){   },
        complete: function (){   }*/
        }); #No ajax call made
/*return false;*/
alert( test ); #I get this alert

You ll always see that alert() because click() is asynchronous: the code inside the function() passed to click does not get executed until you click, but the rest of add_remove() will get called.


  1. Using :onclick => ... attaches add_remove() to your button.
  2. You click the button, add_remove() gets called and attaches another click callback to your button. Then add_remove() calls alert(). There is no AJAX call happening here, just adding a new click handler, and sending an alert.
  3. You click the button a second time, and you will attach a third click callback to the button. However since you also attached a click handler the first time you clicked the button, you should see an AJAX request here.
  4. Click it a third time and you ll see two AJAX requests this time, for a total of 3 AJAX requests.

这里是你实际想要做的事。 移除:onclick => ......从纽芬兰州移走:

<%= button_tag "Add / Remove", :id => "add_remove_button" %>


  $( #add_remove_button ).click(function() {
      type:  GET ,
      url: "/item/add_remove", 
      success: function(data) { $( #view_item ).html(data); },
      data: $( #test ).serialize(),
      error: function(){  },
      success: function(data){   },
      complete: function (){   }
    return false;

You are mixing up the jquery-registering-callbacks style and the old event-handler attributes. So you triggered the registering when calling the add_remove function.

简单删除:onclick 方英尺重, 功能添加_remove(){ ......}

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