English 中文(简体)
原标题:Android s equivalent to CoreText

等同<代码>drawText。 内容提要,Canvas.drawText,,Canvas.drawPosText(),等等,见 rel=“nofollow>javadoc for Canvas,详见下文。 这些图示器使用Skia 以下。

这些图象APIC提供的功能与OS中的功能不同,即没有<条码>CTFramesetter等值,有助于你编造文字并处理您的分界线。 缩略语 页: 1 此处使用<代码>CTTypesetter。 关于案文,见Paint.breakTextPaint. MeasuresText

For changing font size & font face, you can set related attributes in the Paint object, which is passed as the last parameter to the drawText APIs.


Paint paint = new Paint(Paint.ANTI_ALIAS_FLAG);
String text = "Hello world!";
canvas.drawText(text, 0, 100, paint);

注: 载于drawText中的协调制度 页: 1


TextView can handle "the ability to change formatting, font-size and font face", via spannable strings. See the android.text.style package for the various effects that you can apply.

在“案文的异常数量”方面,在<代码>上填入“密码>。 View。

You can always fall back to using WebView, which gives you full WebKit capabilities to render HTML, if needed.

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