This is kinda hard to explain since english isnt my main language so i think it would be easier if you d take a look at the site im working on first and then I ll explain what I want to do. Here s the adress: (the site loads slow because the hosting service has implemented a visitor counting service which takes ages to load (doesn t really affect the site itself though).
任何途径,我想要做的是,当你在底层发布“Kamera”纽芬兰语时,我想背景Curtain div要从底线上lide倒。 这很简单,但我可以说明如何这样做。
如果你想把四舍五入向上,你第一次点击(利用幻灯托)的话,那么,我会说,我很新,但我迄今所看到的一点是,你需要打上“底层:0;”。 因此,我认为,除了底部(原产地:35px)外,还设计了“底部:0”在背景Curtain div上。 这应使其第一次被点击上滑坡?