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C#Windows 应用程序中类似文本Box的自有控制
原标题:Own controls similar to TextBox in C# Windows application

Create own TextBox, Button etc control as own control using User control in C# Windows application, is this good idea? I wanted make consistency for through out the application. Suppose if I want to change the Textbox border color then all forms textbox updated with this changes. It s just an example. Please suggest me.


I don t recommend using UserControl just for consistency. If application skinning is what you are after, look into WPF. It makes it relatively simple to skin an application (or even a window, or smaller groups)

http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/19782/Creating-a-Skinated-User-Interface-in-WPF"rel=“nofollow” http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/19782/Creating-a-Skined-User-Interface-in-WPF。

另一种替代办法是,留在Windows表格内,正在形成一种从文本Box继承的类别,并在申请过程中使用这一类别。 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Factory_method_pattern”rel=“nofollow” 工厂模式将在这里很好地发挥作用。 你们甚至可以适应多种皮肤。


提供与你的“User Experience”(UX)相匹配的习俗控制,这不是坏的想法。 确实,这取决于你在努力完成你的方案。

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