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4. 要求改观的服装回馈价值
原标题:Clojure returning values from recursive call

http://spin.atomicobject.com/05/31/use-clojure-to-move-drugs-a-programming-challenge/“rel="nofollow” http://spin.atobject.com/05/31/use-clojure-to-move-drugs-a-programming-challenge/ 和我跑进了一步。

采用复读算法(也许不是从正确选择开始)的Im,用最高至最低的数值对加权比率订购的“doll”构件。 相关法典是:

(defn get-carryable-dolls 
  [dolls carryable-dolls]
  (def doll (first dolls)) ;initializing for use in multiple places
  (def rest-dolls (rest dolls)) ;initializing for use in multiple places
    if (will-fit? doll (get-weight-sum carryable-dolls)) 
    ( ;will fit
        (= carryable-dolls {})
        (def new-doll-set [doll]) ;First trip, get rid of empty set by initializing new
        (def new-doll-set (flatten [doll carryable-dolls])) ;otherwise, flatten set into vector of structs
      ;tests to see if we have any more dolls to test, and if so, recurses. Otherwise, should pass the resultant vector
      ;up the stack. it appears to be the "else" potion of this if statement that is giving me problems.
      (if (not= () rest-dolls) (get-carryable-dolls rest-dolls new-doll-set) (vec new-dolls))
    ( ;will not fit
      ;gets the rest of the dolls, and sends them on without modifying the vector of structs
      ;it appears to be the "else" potion of this if statement that is giving me problems.
      (if (not= () rest-dolls) (get-carryable-dolls rest-dolls carryable-dolls) (vec carryable-dolls))

该法典正在正确运作;可回收的载体含有希望的重压载体,以作为解决办法回归。 不幸的是,当我试图将可回收的病媒退回到电话站时,我会发现以下错误:

CompilerException clojure.lang.ArityException: Wrong number of args (0) passed to: PersistentVector,compiling:(drugmover	ests.clj:83)


(def empty-dolls {})
(def designated-dolls (get-carryable-dolls sorted-values empty-dolls))

我对编辑错误中可能产生这一问题的推论感到困惑,由于Clojure似乎偏好对 st痕(或至少是Cloj的REPL功能)的透差错电,因此,我对如何加以纠正感到损失。 如果有人提出任何建议,我非常赞赏这些建议。



我对守则进行了修改,提出了答复和评论中建议的办法,并提供了一些意见,以帮助说明正在进行的流动控制。 我希望,通过说明我的想法,有人能够给我一个我错了的想法。



  • getting rid of the superflous (and wrong) parenthesis
  • formatting the code in a more idiomatic way
  • use loop/let instead of def for local name bindings
  • use seq for checking empty lists
  • remove the unnecessary check for an empty carryable-dolls seq before adding an element


(defn get-carryable-dolls 
  [dolls carryable-dolls]
  (loop [doll (first dolls)
         rest-dolls (rest dolls)]
    (if (will-fit? doll (get-weight-sum carryable-dolls))
      (let [new-doll-set (if (seq carryable-dolls)
                           (cons doll carryable-dolls)
        (if (seq rest-dolls)
          (recur rest-dolls new-doll-set)
          (vec new-dolls)))
      (if (seq rest-dolls)
        (recur rest-dolls carryable-dolls)
        (vec carryable-dolls)))))

The following is a complete refactoring of the code that leverages the standard reduce function and defines a function that provides the core decision logic whether a doll has to be included or not in the result:

(defn add-if-fits [dolls doll]
  (if (will-fit? doll (get-weighted-sum dolls))
    (cons doll carryable-dolls)

(defn get-carryable-dolls [dolls carryable-dolls]
  (reduce add-if-fits carryable-dolls dolls))

这部法典中有许多教区,它们造成了问题。 我强烈建议你以其他每个人的方式制定你的法典,这样就会很容易地发现这种错误。 我甚至可以猜测你试图做些什么,因此,我可以改写整个座标,但需要注意的有关事情是:<条码>的星号:

(if test then else)

No extra parens are allowed around any of these things: (if true 1 2) is fine, for example, but (if (true) 1 2) would try to call true as a function, and fail because it s a boolean. If you want to "group" expressions together and evaluate them for side effects, you want (do expr1 expr2), not (expr1 expr2).

页: 1 代码,是造成这一错误的原因:


((vec {:a 10 :b 100}))


java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Wrong number of args (0) passed to: PersistentVector (NO_SOURCE_FILE:0)

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