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Mimic C++ in java structure and written to byte
原标题:Mimic C++ in java structure and writing to byte[]

我将一些C++的编码推到ava瓦,在我的具体情况下,我就是向一个星号撰写数据,以便提交档案。 C++中定义的第一部分是一个由护堤和3只管组成的结构。 第二个部分是数据的主要部分,即在将数据发送到产出流之前,仅对附端进行对应。

我的问题是: 什么是将头等值写给主人的最简单方式? 我知道,我可以在那里拿出1个价值,然后抵消具体数量的 by,并在必要时重复,但这是这样做的最佳方式吗?

此外,我如何管理逐条调整? C++代码似乎使用默认数值(4-byte?)来统一。

Thanks, Jason


You might find it easier to use ByteBuffer, which is probably the nicest way in Java to organize byte-by-byte output.




ByteArrayOutputStream byteArrayOutputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream()
DataOutputStream stream = new DataOutputStream(byteArrayOutputStream);

try {
} catch (IOException e) {
    // this can t happen, but you still require a try catch block

byte[] array = byteArrayOutputStream.toByteArray();

If your code might be parsing a similar byte array with unsigned integers then you re going to have a bit of headache. That is, you will have to check for negative numbers and deal with them appropriately. eg.

int unsignedIntAsSignedInt = inStream.readInt();
long realData;
if (unsignedIntAsSignedInt < 0) {
    realData = ((long) unsignedIntAsSignedInt) - (((long)Integer.MIN_VALUE) * 2);
} else {
    realData = unsignedIntAsSignedInt;

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