English 中文(简体)
原标题:Find the right parameter through a brute force algorithm


myCompression(data, th)

<>th>/em>参数在0到1之间。 有时这个数字实际上可能很小,例如212.19e-013。

num = length(myCompression(data, th))

gave me the number of data remains after compression. If I want num to be bigger, I need to choose a lower th parameter. Viceversa, if I want higher num, I have to choose lower th.

Now the problem is: I want to find a proper th such that num is equal to a target number that I choose. As you know, find th is really long work, and I would realize a brute force algorithm that finds th that satisfy my need. I ve write this:

target = 304;
th = 2.49e-011;
num = 0;

    num = length(MCSimplify3(time, latitudes, longitudes, th));
    disp(horzcat( tol:  , num2str(th),   num:  , num2str(num)));

    if (num>target)
        th = th+(rand()*th);
        th = th-(rand()*th);

    th = abs(th);

以前的文字开始,但从未达到目标。 问题Ippose是由于添加或细分的(rand()*th)过于庞大,因此时间超过了目标,时间低于一个。 因此,正如你可以在这里看到的那样,这种局面继续推移,而且永远无法取得结果:

tol: 2.67e-012 num: 333
tol: 4.0685e-012 num: 303
tol: 2.9909e-012 num: 320
tol: 3.1953e-012 num: 316
tol: 4.5895e-012 num: 298
tol: 3.7916e-012 num: 308
tol: 3.8906e-012 num: 308
tol: 7.6049e-012 num: 257
tol: 4.3302e-012 num: 299
tol: 1.6646e-013 num: 624
tol: 2.9337e-013 num: 562
tol: 2.9553e-013 num: 561
tol: 4.965e-013 num: 503
tol: 8.47e-013 num: 448
tol: 1.3934e-012 num: 391
tol: 2.163e-012 num: 350
tol: 2.6348e-012 num: 335
tol: 4.6699e-012 num: 296



首先,引用你向我们显示的数据图表。 这应当给你一个明确的想法,即你在什么地方直接寻找<条码>第的价值,这给你寻求的目标价值。


仅凭对你的数据的观察,就<代码>304的目标价值而言,th的价值应载于 (3.7916e-012,4.0685e-012)

越是这样,越是看你目录,就越需要做的头一件事是去除<条码>兰德<>>>>。 这就是说的,我指的是Nelder-Mead





target = 304;
len = 0;

a = 0;
b = 1;

    c = (a+b)/2;
    len = length(MCSimplify3(time, latitudes, longitudes, c));
        b = c;
    if (len>target)
        a = c;
    if (len==target)
        disp(horzcat( tol:  , num2str(th),   num:  , num2str(len)));

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