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Powerhell 方言
原标题:Powershell Script Filename Increment
  • 时间:2012-04-23 20:28:11
  •  标签:
  • powershell

内部权力 我想使一组档案名称的变更过程自动化,并复制该目录上类似档案的最新版本。

  1. 删除

    (file3.bak) --> none
  2. 更新目录中现有档案的名称

        (file1.bak) --> (file2.bak)
        (file2.bak) --> (file3.bak)
  3. 另一名录的最新档案版本

    (newestfile.txt)   --> (file1.bak)


$path = "c:	emp"
cd $path

$count = (get-childitem $path -name).count
Write-Host "Number of Files: $count"

$items = Get-ChildItem | Sort Extension -desc | Rename-Item -NewName {"gapr.ear.rollback$count"}

$items | Sort Extension -desc | ForEach-Object  -begin { $count= (get-childitem $path -name).count }  -process { rename-item $_ -NewName "gappr.ear.rollback$count"; $count-- }

Thanks to all who responded. Your help was appreciated

#Directory to complete script in
$path = "c:	emp"
cd $path

#Writes out number of files in directory to console
$count = (get-childitem $path -name).count
Write-Host "Number of Files: $count"

#Sorts items by decsending order
$items = Get-ChildItem | Sort Extension -desc 

#Deletes oldest file by file extension number
del $items[0]

#Copy file from original directory to backup directory
Copy-Item c:	emp2* c:	emp

#Sorts items by decsending order
$items = Get-ChildItem | Sort Extension -desc

#Renames files in quotes after NewName argument
$items | ForEach-Object  -begin { $count= (get-childitem $path -name).count }  -process { rename-item $_ -NewName "file.bak$count"; $count-- }

与此类似? Remove - Whatif s to do the real matter.

$files = @(gci *.bak | sort @{e={$_.LastWriteTime}; asc=$true})

if ($files)
    del $files[0] -Whatif
    for ($i = 1; $i -lt $files.Count; ++$i)
     { ren $files[$i] $files[$i - 1] -Whatif }

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