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原标题:Split on first comma in string
  • 时间:2012-04-25 03:51:03
  •  标签:
  • regex
  • r

我怎么能用基数在第一个 com上有效地分拨以下插图?

x <- "I want to split here, though I don t want to split elsewhere, even here."
strsplit(x, ???)


[1] "I want to split here"   "though I don t want to split elsewhere, even here."


EDIT: Didn t think to mention this. This needs to be able to generalize to a column, vector of strings like this, as in:

y <- c("Here s comma 1, and 2, see?", "Here s 2nd sting, like it, not a lot.")




这里我可能的话。 这似乎具有 ha性,但自sub(>和strsplit(>>)两种矢量化以来,它还将在发送多管束时顺利开展工作。

XX <- "SoMeThInGrIdIcUlOuS"
strsplit(sub(",\s*", XX, x), XX)
# [[1]]
# [1] "I want to split here"                               
# [2] "though I don t want to split elsewhere, even here."

From the stringr package:

str_split_fixed(x, pattern =  ,  , n = 2)
#      [,1]                  
# [1,] "I want to split here"
#      [,2]                                                
# [1,] "though I don t want to split elsewhere, even here."


这里又是另一个解决办法,定期表达,以掌握第一个 com之前和之后的内容。

x <- "I want to split here, though I don t want to split elsewhere, even here."
str_match(x, "^(.*?),\s*(.*)")[,-1] 
# [1] "I want to split here"                              
# [2] "though I don t want to split elsewhere, even here."


str_sub(x,end = min(str_positione(string=x, , )-1)

这将使你们首批希望。 更改<条码>>,<条码>和<条码>end=,载于<条码>,以获取你想要的东西。


str_sub(x,start = min(str_ placee(string=x, , )+1 >


str_trim(str_sub(x,start = min(str_placee(string=x, , )+1 )

This works but I like Josh Obrien s better:

y <- strsplit(x, ",")
sapply(y, function(x) data.frame(x= x[1], 
    z=paste(x[-1], collapse=",")), simplify=F))



y <- c("Here s comma 1, and 2, see?", "Here s 2nd sting, like it, not a lot.")
colsplit(y, ",", c("x","z"))

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