English 中文(简体)
原标题:After porting some php and web app related files from my friend s windows computer to my mac I m getting some errors

这是为了在她的oku库上进行面对面评估,但她的oku可能不是问题。 问题要么是某种切切合的事物,要么是运输的回报问题。


Warning: Unknown: 
Warning: session_start(): open(C:ProgramDataJcx.SoftwareVS.Php2.10.6970.0	emp/sess_i4ood4poc11ebsgth000g1nm74, O_RDWR) failed: No such file or directory (2) in /app/www/sdk/src/facebook.php on line 37

Warning: session_start(): Cannot send session cache limiter - headers already sent (output started at /app/www/sdk/src/facebook.php:37) in /app/www/sdk/src/facebook.php on line 37 
open(C:ProgramDataJcx.SoftwareVS.Php2.10.6970.0	emp/sess_i4ood4poc11ebsgth000g1nm74, O_RDWR) failed: No such file or directory (2) in Unknown on line 0 Warning: Unknown: Failed to write session data (files). Please verify that the current setting of session.save_path is correct (C:ProgramDataJcx.SoftwareVS.Php2.10.6970.0	emp) in Unknown on line 0

基本上,我已尝试过整个“决策会议是头等大事”,但我没有在任何档案中拥有该届会议的法典。 我已经尝试了整个过程,以确保“?>”也不会产生任何效果。


I have discovered something called: zend_extension_ts="C:Program Files (x86)Jcx.SoftwareVS.Php2010php 5.2extphp_xdebug.dll"

在称为“php.ini”的档案中,甚至在我试图清除 did后,似乎没有任何变化。 因此,我想到这一点与我推动的以前的一些档案有关,然后用像福、智慧等延伸予以删除。 cache, projphp等


  • There is some session data in a file called temp. I have no file named temp.
  • zend_extension_ts supposedly gets referenced somewhere, but it isn t visible in my code.
  • I apparently need to resend session cache limiter again through session_start() which is not visible in my code.

不是会议,我确信。 但是,你们的法典中包含了一条指导性的道路,但这一名录并不存在! 有理由相信,该守则的一部分首先!



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