English 中文(简体)
A. 寻找指标阵列
原标题:Finding the count of index in array of

如何确定一系列扼杀是否只有一个指数? 我的尝试低于法典,但正在将指数从约束性例外中排出,而扼杀只是一封信。

class Test {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        String initials = null;
        String name = "P";
        String[] breakdown = name.trim().split(" ");
        System.out.println("Length::: " + breakdown.length);
        if (breakdown.length == 1) {
            initials = (name.charAt(0) + "" + name.charAt(1)).toUpperCase();
            System.out.println("Initial if::: " + initials);
        } else if (breakdown.length > 1) {
            initials = (breakdown[0].charAt(0) + "" + breakdown[breakdown.length - 1].charAt(0)).toUpperCase();
            System.out.println("Initial else::: " + initials);




Try changing the : breakdown.length() == 1 to
breakdown.length() > 0 and the name.charAt(1) to name.charAt(0)


这非常容易。 你们已经有一系列的言辞。 仅从每字复发第一封信。

public static String getInitials(String str) {
    return Arrays.stream(str.trim().split("\s+"))
                 .map(part -> part.charAt(0))


public static void main(String... args) {
    String initials = getInitials("George Walker Bush");
    System.out.format("Length::: %s
", initials.length());
    System.out.format("Initial::: %s
", initials);


Length::: 3
Initial::: GWB

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