I m公司拥有一个现有的Bamboo CI服务器,运行相当成功(尽管是旧版本——2.6),我需要建立新的建筑。 几乎全部完成Bamboo工作的两人现在就离开了,因此我实际上没有内部任何人去寻求咨询。
- Run "svn update --force" on six separate working directories, which in turn use two separate Subversion repositories
- Run "mvn clean install" on all six directories, with one of them needing an extra -Duser.timezone parameter passed in, and which sometimes needs running two or three times before it builds successfully
- Run a "DeployLocal.bat" batch file
- Start two JBOSS instances, by executing their "bin un.bat" startup files
- Do a Maven build of some of the projects (yes, redundant after the above)
- Copy some build subdirectories to the deployment server location
- Set up self-signed SSL certificates and keystores for the deployment servers
- Copy lots more files into the right place in the deployment server directories
我不相信这一最佳办法如何与我们的博博博罗服务器合作。 我开始制定一项新的计划,但当我问到哪一个存放处(我们再使用两个服务器和六个储存库)时,我开始被混淆!
如果我能正确理解——我可能不理解——我相信,通常要做的是,在博博罗服务器上做所有建筑,然后将档案移至服务器上的适当位置,然后再召集一些远程开办的指挥。 我需要做些什么?
即便有人可以向我指出布博罗的良好指南,我也非常赞赏。 如果有人能够简略地解释这些概念,让我理解我需要学习什么才能实现,那么,那就更加美好!