English 中文(简体)
原标题:Travesring through an object in java

I have a method that return an object of a class.The object sets the properties of class and returns.
I have to traverse the object and get the value of the properties which the object has set before.


请允许我帮助我这样做。 提前感谢。


public class ConsumerTool {

 public MessageBean getMessages() {
        MessageBean msgBean = new MessageBean();


        this.msgBean = msgBean;
        return msgBean;


public class MessageBean implements java.io.Serializable {  

    public String dateTime;
    public String severity;
    public String eventText;
    public String eventNumber;
    public String generator;
    public String generatorBuildVsn;
    public String atmId;
    public String uniqueEventID;
    public String subsystemID;
    public String taskID;


    public String getAtmId() {
        return this.atmId;

    public void setAtmId(String n) {
        this.atmId = n;

    public String getDateTime() {
        return this.dateTime;

    public void setDateTime(String n) {
        this.dateTime = n.trim();

    public String getEventNumber() {
        return this.eventNumber;

    public void setEventNumber(String n) {
        this.eventNumber = n;

    public String getEventText() {
        return this.eventText;

    public void setEventText(String n) {
        this.eventText = n;

    public String getGenerator() {
        return this.generator;

    public void setGenerator(String n) {
        this.generator = n;

    public String getGeneratorBuildVsn() {
        return this.generatorBuildVsn;

    public void setGeneratorBuildVsn(String n) {
        this.generatorBuildVsn = n;

    public String getSeverity() {
        return this.severity;

    public void setSeverity(String n) {
        this.severity = n;

    public String getSubsystemID() {
        return this.subsystemID;

    public void setSubsystemID(String n) {
        this.subsystemID = n;

    public String getTaskID() {
        return this.taskID;

    public void setTaskID(String n) {
        this.taskID = n;

    public String getUniqueEventID() {
        return this.uniqueEventID;

    public void setUniqueEventID(String n) {
        this.uniqueEventID = n;


The theme is the object sets the properties of javabean class and I have to get those values from UI.


MessageBean consumer = msg.getMessages();

//Now here i want to iterate that consumer object

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