English 中文(简体)
原标题:How to find max score for all intervals?


Saye 我的分数间隔如下,我想在间隔期间找到最高分数。

3-8 20
4-10 40
8-12 10
9-13 20

其结果应为40+10+5 = 70

3-8 and 4-10 overlap at 4-8 with a total score of 40+20 = 60 4-10, 8-12, and 9-13, all overlap at 9-10 with a score of 40+10+20 = 70

Obviously we have other overlaps like every interval by itself, or 8-12 and 9-13 excluding 4-10, but those dont yield a maximum. I also ideally would want to return the overlap that yielded the max amount, which in this case would be the 9-10 interval, which corresponds to the interval at which all 3 intervals that yielded the max score amount share.



3-9 20
4-10 40
8-12 10
9-13 30

我们感到振奋的是,我们认为3-9重叠,4-10重叠,有60,3-9,4-10,8-12重叠,有70。 然而,当我们发现9-13时,我们需要稍加停止考虑3-9,现在看看看看4-10、8-12、9-13重叠、80和9-10重叠。 是否可能有滑坡窗口?


将起点与正面分数和负分点挂钩。 将所有点放在一起,并跟踪 cur; 最大累积总和; 与最高数额相关的开端/晚期。



3-8 20
4-10 40
8-12 10
9-13 20

Time  Score  Cur   Max
 3    +20    20    20
 4    +40    60    60
 8    +10    70    70  # Tie broken in favor of positive
 8    -20    50    70
 9    +20    70    70
10    -40    30    70
12    -10    20    70
13    -20     0    70

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