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原标题:Strange things happening when I am updating mysql database from my form [closed]
  • 时间:2012-04-25 05:58:56
  •  标签:
  • php
  • mysql
Closed. This question needs details or clarity. It is not currently accepting answers.

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Closed 10 years ago.

I have a form that users use to update items. The form contains input fields such as iten name, item price, quantity etc.
Now, the form is updating, but it is duplicating the item description in the database. This is the item description adds ends up as:

本项说明 这是项目说明。

是否有办法只能更新已经改变的案文? 表格在实验室内建立。



there is 2 solutions for it...

  1. 如果新价值与现有价值有所改变,请更新外地价值。 之后,每个领域各有一个以表格形式单独提出询问。

    update tbalename set fieldname =  fieldvalue  where  table_id = "unique id value" AND fieldname != "fieldvalue";
  2. 其他

    update tbalename set fieldname1 =  fieldvalue1 , fieldname2 =  fieldvalue2 ,fieldnamenth =  fieldvaluenth  where  table_id = "unique id value"



如果搁置你的法典,那将是有意义的。 但是,这是我sql最新询问的辛迪加。

UPDATE table SET field =  yourvalue  WHERE id =  id value 

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