English 中文(简体)
• 如何为具体一揽子计划铺设碎片并制造错误
原标题:How to build and get building errors in eclipse for specific package




  • My com.pack is completely independant, let s say it s my framework.
  • My com.package.commons can import classes from com.pack ONLY.
  • My last package can import whichever classes it needs.

In my eclipse project everything is thing as long as I m the only one to develop, I know I can t import anything without checking first where it comes from. But I work in a team and errors happen frequently, I ve tried to make an Ant Build that will first build my framework then my commons (with the framework in it s CP during build time) and lastly my app. But I can t get any error from it. Do you have any idea how I can perform these checks during build time or any other solution?




为什么不把该项目分为三个ec项目? 如果一揽子计划完全独立,那么(我认为)它就不属于该项目。 这涉及你的一揽子计划。 共同一揽子计划也是如此。 当它开展一个图书馆项目时,可以将其分开,从而暗含地解决你的“分离建筑”问题。

至于这些错误,我不敢理解你。 你指的是哪类错误? 在将项目分为几个有受扶养人的项目时,也会产生进口错误(例如包裹之间的可见度)。

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