English 中文(简体)
最好的算法是用负面的 no子和 lo子背书图表
原标题:what is the best algorithm to traverse a graph with negative nodes and looping nodes

I have a really difficult problem to solve and Im just wondering what what algorithm can be used to find the quickest route. The undirected graph consist of positive and negative adjustments, these adjustments effect a bot or thing which navigate the maze. The problem I have is mazes which contain loops that can be + or -. An example might help:-

  1. A. 标注10点

  2. B号:15

  3. C节对目标20点



given the graph structure as:-


 node() means the node loops to itself   - and + are the adjustments



a > b > c    the object would have 25 points when it arrives at c


这一点非常容易执行,下一个挑战是了解如何回到好战线上来,让人们假设,在每一天,你都可以找到其邻国的任何des点和调整水平。 下面的例子就是:

if the bot started with only 5 points then the best path would be

a > a > b > c the bot would have 25 points when arriving at c


这是一个非常简单的图表,但当你有太多的教训时,机器人非常难以知道是否在好的节点上 lo,还是从一个好的节点到另一个,同时保持一条可能的道路。

such a route would be a backtrack queue.




a > b > a > b > a > b > a > b > a > a > b > c 拥有5个ts。

another way the bot could do it is:-

a > a > a > b > c


任何人都知道解决这一问题的良好算法,他们已经研究过Belman-fords和Dijkstra,但只有一条简单的道路,而不是一条 lo路。

could it be recursive in some way or some form of heuristics?



hash visited(v,true)

while(q is not empty)
    for each u of v in G

        if u not visited before

This is a straightforward dynamic programming problem.

假设,就一定长的路程而言,就每一航道而言,你想要知道在这条路上结束的最佳成本,以及这条路从哪里走。 (该长度的数据可以储存在连接清单上的斜线上。)

为我们提供这一数据,以便采取零步骤。 然后,我们先用一个干净的圆板,然后对底部进行每一次回答,把它推向前进,如果我们没有数据,或者说我们比最佳数据更重,那么,我们就会更新有关这一节点的数据,并增加路线(将这一节点与先前的相关清单联系起来)。




class Graph:
    def __init__(self, nodes=[]):
        self.nodes = {}
        for node in nodes:

    def insert(self, node):
        self.nodes[ node.name ] = node

    def connect(self, name1, name2):
        node1 = self.nodes[ name1 ]
        node2 = self.nodes[ name2 ]

    def node(self, name):
        return self.nodes[ name ]

class GraphNode:
    def __init__(self, name, score, neighbors=[]):
        self.name = name
        self.score = score
        self.neighbors = set(neighbors)

    def __repr__(self):
        return self.name

def find_path (start_node, start_score, end_node):
    prev_solution = {start_node: [start_score + start_node.score, None]}
    room_to_grow = True
    while end_node not in prev_solution:
        if not room_to_grow:
            # No point looping endlessly...
            return None
        room_to_grow = False
        solution = {}
        for node, info in prev_solution.iteritems():
            score, prev_path = info
            for neighbor in node.neighbors:
                new_score = score + neighbor.score
                if neighbor not in prev_solution:
                    room_to_grow = True
                if 0 < new_score and (neighbor not in solution or solution[neighbor][0] < new_score):
                    solution[neighbor] = [new_score, [node, prev_path]]
        prev_solution = solution
    path = prev_solution[end_node][1]
    answer = [end_node]
    while path is not None:
        path = path[1]
    return answer


graph = Graph([GraphNode( A , 10), GraphNode( B , -5), GraphNode( C , -30)])
graph.connect( A ,  A )
graph.connect( A ,  B )
graph.connect( B ,  B )
graph.connect( B ,  B )
graph.connect( B ,  C )
graph.connect( C ,  C )

print find_path(graph.node( A ), 10, graph.node( C ))

Note that I explicitly connected each node to itself. Depending on your problem you might want to make that automatic.

(注,有一条可能的fin。) 假设起始点的分数为0分,而且没有办法。 在这种情况下,我们永远不休。 它将努力为这一案件增加检查。


I m a little confused by your description, it seems like you are just looking for shortest path algorithms. In which case google is your friend.

比如,你已经做了一些调整,这些调整实际上应当为平常的图表的加价。 I.e. 你们想找到一条成本最低的道路,以便你们需要多加调整。

If your graph has loops that are beneficial to traverse (i.e. decrease cost or increase points through adjustments) then the best path is undefined because going through the loop one more time will improve your score.


steps = []
steps[0] = [None*graph.#nodes]
step = 1
while True:
     steps[step] = [None*graph.#nodes]
     for node in graph:
         for node2 in graph:
             steps[step][node2.index] = max(steps[step-1][node.index]+node2.cost, steps[step][node2.index])

     if steps[step][lastnode] >= 0:

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