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是否有一个 Java图书馆将复制的网络内容转换成其基本的超文本?
原标题:Is there a Java library that converts copied web content to its underlying HTML?
  • 时间:2012-04-26 22:24:29
  •  标签:
  • java
  • html

I m trying to write a simple tool that allows me to copy content from a web page, paste it into a JTextArea and convert it to HTML. Is there a way to do this? Are there libraries out there that will help? This would be similar to what Dreamweaver is able to do when you paste rendered HTML content into the Design area and it s converted back to HTML for you in the Code area.


Instead of using a jTextArea, you can use TinyMCE

它是 Java本大编,允许登上超文本,并获得该守则的视觉结果。



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