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原标题:How do I change the webcam of a python file by using Flask?

我正致力于一个面对面的承认项目,该项目将基因(镜子)发送到录像中。 然而,我找不到把当地储存送到弗拉斯克的正确途径。 没有人会提出一些建议,说明我如何用地方储存来改变网络运动?

The python visit_taker.py which contained the gen_frame methods:

`def gen_frame(): cap = cv2.VideoCapture(0) # This is what I want to change using localstorage face_recognizer = Face_Recognizer()

while True:
    success, frame = cap.read()
    if not success:


    ret, buffer = cv2.imencode( .jpg , frame)
    frame = buffer.tobytes()
    yield (b --frame
           b Content-Type: image/jpeg

  + frame + b 

这里是《 j法》:

`window.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function () { var webcamSelect = document.getElementById("webcamSelect");

webcamSelect.addEventListener("change", function () {
    var selectedWebcamIndex = webcamSelect.selectedIndex;
    localStorage.setItem("selectedWebcamIndex", selectedWebcamIndex);

    .then((devices) => {
        var videoDevices = devices.filter(
            (device) => device.kind === "videoinput",
        videoDevices.forEach((device, index) => {
            var option = document.createElement("option");
            option.value = index;
            option.text = device.label || `Webcam ${index + 1}`;

        var selectedWebcamIndex = localStorage.getItem(
        if (selectedWebcamIndex) {
            webcamSelect.selectedIndex = selectedWebcamIndex;
    .catch((error) => {
        console.error("Error enumerating devices:", error);

}); ` app.py:

@app.route(/video_feed ) def视频_feed():回报反应(gen_frame()、米梅类=多部分/x-ixed-replace;边界=frame

我利用 j子进行审判,但没有工作。




# pip install opencv-python

import cv2

# basic opencv2 things here feel free to ignore

cap = cv2.VideoCapture(0) # specify camera

out = cv2.VideoWriter( output.avi , cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(* MJPG ), 15., (640, 480)) 
#  output.avi : outputted file,  MJPG : motion jpeg,  (640, 480) : output width and height, adjust to needs

while True:
    success, frame = cap.read()
    # ...
    out.write(frame.astype( uint8 )) # write the output video

# run this afterwards to save the video
out.release() # release video output


  • triple backticks opening and closing for multiline code blocks
  • single backticks opening and closing for single line code blocks

link • 与全基例的链接,以便与普思松开放。

I notice the title says how do I change the webcam of a python file using flask, if that s the question itself, you can use the:

<代码>cap = cv2.VideoCapture(0),以具体说明照相机。 该数字显示有一台单独的照相机。 (e:1,可在0上安装一个照相机。 可以是嵌入式的,等等

Let me know if I completely missed the mark here or if you have anymore questions!

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