我有一个铁路3.2.3站点,在Ruby 1.9.2. 我将铁路-i18ngem用于翻译,并将国际化环境纳入荷兰翻译:
config.i18n.available_locales = :nl
config.i18n.default_locale = :nl
When I run the site locally, in development or production mode, all translations are handled correctly, including error messages. However, when I deploy the site to my server (hosted on Webfaction, using nginx), it doesn t use the translations for error messages; they remain to be displayed in English.
我确实重新启用了服务器,我确实做了 pre事,我只是从服务器上提取了光顾,而我是“探索”。
Is there anything else I should do in order to make the site use the Dutch translations for erros?