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原标题:Error in migrating website to sitefinity 5.0

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I want to migrate the website from the older version to the newer version, For that i am using sitefinity Project manager. I ve hosted my older website to the IIS server and now i am trying to migrate that website to new sitefinity version 5.0. the older version is 3.7

I have downloaded the telerik sitefinity 5.0 Firstly i imported the project from the inetpub root folder. i browse it and it runs perfectly. Now for migration i select Actions - > Set SF 3.7 for migration then i select the project Root folder and the site url and click on the Continue button to migrate.


Installation package for the build version of the specified SF3.7 project is missing.

What colud be the proper solution for this? I am using .net framework 3.5 for the site.





您的3.7个站点运行最新服务包4? 移徙需要这样做。



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