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链接请求。 哪些工具可以完全采用视觉(直面)方法开发网络应用? 海事委员会[闭门]
原标题:Links request. What tools that can completely develop web applications with visual (gui-interface) approach? Not CMS [closed]
  • 时间:2012-04-24 17:50:28
  •  标签:
  • html
  • css
  • ajax

In the end it will be a bad idea. Everything what comes out of a "visual wonder creator" will be in the end nothing more than a amateur app. If you want to create a professional app, you can perhaps use the visual creator for some basic elements. But in my opinion you forget at best completely the visual part of the ide an make it completely by hand. Only then you can be sure that you exactly get what you need and want.

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