通常为。 与此类似,汇编者将产生从<代码>tRange到<>的代码,并生成<代码>while (iterator.hasNext()。
但是,在研究生成的JVictor bytecode(不能在Kotlin/JS上照搬这种行为),似乎汇编者试图将这种行为变成类似于以下Java(pseudo)编码的C类循环:
for (UInt b = UByte.MIN_VALUE ; b <= UByte.MAX_VALUE ; b++) {
// ...
但是,它没有做<条码>b和lt;=UByte. . Fair_VALUE,而是生成了<条码>b <= UInt. . . . . 下面是特稿的样本:
5: iconst_0
6: istore_1
7: iload_1
8: iconst_m1
9: invokestatic #18 // Method kotlin/UnsignedKt.uintCompare:(II)I
12: ifgt 28
15: iload_1
16: istore_2
17: iload_2
18: iconst_m1
19: if_icmpeq 28
22: iinc 1, 1
25: goto 15
28: return
Notice the iconst_m1
, this pushes -1 as an int
(which is the max value of an unsigned int).
To achieve the correct result, you can assign the range expression to some local val
first, so the compiler does not do this optimisation (though this is not technically guaranteed).
, loop应当做些什么。 根据spec,for
when(val iter = (UByte.MIN_VALUE..UByte.MAX_VALUE).iterator()) {
else -> while (iter.hasNext()) {
val b = iter.next()
// loop body goes here...
But this only loops from 0 to 255, which is correct.