I m 试图将一个表格物体储存成一个变数,但不能成功:
Dim invoice_form As billing_new_invoice
Get last remote Row
Dim last_row As Integer = CType(main.ActiveMdiChild, invoice_form).invoiceitems_new_invoice.Rows.Count - 1
Dim count_row As Integer = CType(main.ActiveMdiChild, invoice_form).invoiceitems_new_invoice.Rows.Count()
Dim invoice_form As billing_new_invoice
Get last remote Row
Dim last_row As Integer = CType(main.ActiveMdiChild, billing_new_invoice).invoiceitems_new_invoice.Rows.Count - 1
Dim count_row As Integer = CType(main.ActiveMdiChild, billing_new_invoice).invoiceitems_new_invoice.Rows.Count()
I need to store the form instance in the variable (invoice_form), that could be used in multiple lines of code, but it says (Type invoice_form is not defined.) Anyone have idea to solve this ?