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5. 时间印记
原标题:SQL time stamp to millisecond

How can I convert SQL time using a datetime stamp to milliseconds. I am doing a highstock chart using VB.Net


    Dim mydatalist As New List(Of XyData)
    Dim sqlReader As SqlDataReader
    Dim strConn As New     SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("myCipConnection").ConnectionString)
    Dim strSql As String = "SELECT TOP 1000 DATEDIFF(second,{d  1970-01-  01 },dtmStamp)AS dtmStamp  ,dblReturnTemp  FROM tblCIPEventData  "
    Dim sqlCmd As New SqlCommand(strSql, strConn)
    sqlReader = sqlCmd.ExecuteReader


Dim strSql As String = "SELECT TOP 1 dtmStamp ,dblReturnTemp   FROM tblCIPEventData"

The result looks like

2009-10-22 11:29:31.513

<><>>>> 我怎么能将这种信息转换成微秒。


列出你最初必须与其他日期比较的日期的周期。 减去两个日期之后,你将最后用一个时间点物体。 然后,时间范围物体可转换为微秒。 可以通过一条简单的法典来做到这一点:

Dim milliseconds As Double
milliseconds = (end - start).TotalMilliseconds


You can use the SQL Server DATEPART() function to get the milliseconds of a SQL Server datetime field returned to a Visual Basic application.


SELECT Pubdate, DATEPART(Ms, Pubdate) FROM Titles


CONVERT(BIGINT, DATEDIFF(s,  19700101 , left(a.mdate, 11)))*1000

The left(a.mdate, 11) gives data like = Apr 25 2012 (in readable format)

a.mdate = 2012-04-25 11:01:18.030



me.labelDisplay.Text = CDate(query.dateColumn).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.fff")


2017-03-23 16:35:08.237 


Dim ms as Integer = CDate(query.dateColumn).Milliseconds()

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