在由核心数据管理的表格中,我有一个日期。 现在我需要这样做,但我对产出有错误。
for (FesteGruppo *festeGruppoEntity in arrayController_.selectedObjects) {
NSString *valorePrimaFesta=[festeGruppoEntity.data descriptionWithCalendarFormat:@"%w" timeZone:nil locale:nil];
int prova = [valorePrimaFesta intValue];
if (prova==0) {
} else if (prova==1){
} else if (prova==2){
} else if (prova==3){
} else if (prova==4){
} else if (prova==5){
} else if (prova==6){
NSLog(@"The entity s date is %@", festeGruppoEntity.data);
NSLog(@"The date number is %i", prova);
I put this date: 10/04/2012 (dd/MM/yyyy), but I get this result: The entity s date is 2013-04-09 22:00:00 +0000 The date number is 3. I need to get the same date I have entered above, how can I do?