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原标题:HTML5 canvas linear gradient doesn t work for me
  • 时间:2012-04-25 16:02:01
  •  标签:
  • html
  • canvas

在试图使用Linear Gradient时,我有问题。

//linear gradient
canvas.strokeStyle =  lightblue ;

var grad = canvas.createLinearGradient(350,110,100,0);  //(x0,y0) to (x1,y1)
grad.addColorStop(0, red );
grad.addColorStop(1, yellow );
grad.fillStyle = grad;

问题是,圈子的线梯度不工作。 圈子本身显示罚款。

在该法规之前,一号是“Ecanpo. 填埋场 = 青;”因此,环体是“青的,而不是 red的”。 也许会放弃某些内容。

Thanks! (btw i use chrome and this effect working fine on other things)


canvas. liverStyle = grad;, not grad.lifStyle = grad;!


It looks all red right now, but if you changed the x/y values you d be able to see the gradient. For instance:

var grad = canvas.createLinear Gradient (350,110,100,330);



I don t think you should call the context canvas. I d recommend ctx or context instead. It s not a big deal but you ll confuse collaborators someday.



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