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JAX-RPC vs JAX-WS vs JAX-RS web services
原标题:Practical usecase based difference between JAX-RPC vs JAX-WS vs JAX-RS web services





Thanks for answer. However practical use case difference and when to use what. Both, JAX-WS and JAX-RS have standard implementations. I have come up with the following differences:

RESTful services (Mostly web integration, mobile phone apps)

  • Integration over web will be easy with the REST. Popularly used with the AJAX calls.
  • Not verbose as SOAP services so need less bandwidth hence good to use for the mobile apps.
  • Web services are completely stateless so only for stateless services.

JAX-WS and JAX-RPC are SOAP based services. (采购网络服务)

JAX-WS Java EE later versions support this and standards still evolving. - SOAP based services not preferred for mobile app communication because of heavy payload compare to rest. - More suitable for the enterprise web services where you need interoperability, transactions, message delivery and reliability.


JAX-RPCabes about this one. 它是 Java网络服务的旧过时标准。

SOAP-Based web services (也作为参考提供)

REST -full web services

我要补充一下@Arjan Tijms的答复。

JAX-WS uses asynchronous features from Java 5.0,J2EE5.0 JAX-RPC is primarily uses features from J2EE 1.4 and is supported in J2EE 5.0 also.

日本宇宙航空研究开发机构有自己的数据制图模型,覆盖许多数据,没有覆盖数据被绘制为 jx.xml.soap。 SOAP 内容。



One thing is common is both are confusing while using them with J2EE 5.0, JavaEE 6.x. The better is Jax-RS or Jersey for new implementations and re-designs. or You can continue with JAX-RPC or JAX-WS.


X 锡马勒堡建筑是一种XML-to-Java具有约束力的技术,通过使chem和 Java物体之间以及XML文件与 Java物体之间的转变,简化了网络服务的开发。

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