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PHP Session Variable from URL
原标题:PHP Session Variable from URL

I m不熟悉PHP会议变量,也不熟悉这些变量的准确工作,但Im则在一个有机动对应人员的网站工作。 在流动地点(由另一家公司开发)上,连接到使用URL的整座网站?mobile=false,而Im只是想知道我如何利用这一途径使移动用户能够进入整个网站?



if (isset($_GET[ mobile ]) && $_GET[ mobile ] ==  false )
    session_start(); // If you haven t done so already
    $_SESSION[ ShowFullSite ] = true;

然后可以核对<代码>_美元 会后[显示未来]


You can access this URI part with $_GET[ mobile ] where this will hold false then. And btw. this is not a session variable.

i 认为你会利用库克群岛,如母体发展,而不是届会:

you can get the parameter using $_GET[ mobile ] in the first page and set the session variable in that page and you use it in other pages. To set the session you need to start the session first. session_start(); Then to set $_SESSION[ mobile ]=false; You can check in pages by if($_SESSION[ mobile ]){ } To clear session you can use session_unset();


  if (isset($_GET[ mobile ]) && $_GET[ mobile ] ==  false ))
       header( Location: http://www.myfullsite.com/ );

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