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bash 书写方式
原标题:Biased behavior of bash script

I have 8 folders namely HCIVR5,HCIVR6,HCIVR7,HCIVR8,IVR5,IVR6,IVR7,IVR8. I wrote down this code first

ls -d IVR* > temporary.txt

在一份叫作的档案中删除了该法典。 之后用./run执行。 在试图打开档案(使用目录和通过点击进行正常开场)时,它说“不能暂时进入。 txt。


ls -d IVR* > temporary.txt
while read ivr_line;do echo $ivr_line;cd $ivr_line;./ivr_alarm;cd ..;done < temporary.txt
ls -d HCIVR* > temporary.txt
while read hcivr_line;do echo $hcivr_line;cd $hcivr_line;./hcivr_alarm;cd ..;done < temporary.txt

Now this program works for IVR5,6,7,8. After that i get the error ./run: line 4: temporary.txt: No such file or directory even when i comment the first two lines i get the same error

code for ivr_alarm is this

mkdir TEMP
day=`date +%d-%m-%Y`
read ip<ip.txt
read ivr_number<ivr_number.txt
while read line;do scp -i ivr"$ivr_number"_key -r root@$ip:${line%?} ./TEMP/ ;done < files_needed.txt
mv ./TEMP/.bash_history ./LOGS/.bash_history_"$day"
for file in *;do 
    mv $file ../LOGS/${file%.*}_"$day".${file##*.}
cd ..
rmdir TEMP


day=`date +%m-%d-%Y`
read ip<ip.txt
read ivr_number<ivr_number.txt
rm alarmtest
rm ./LOGS/HEALTH_CHECK_$day.log
while read line;do
echo "ssh -i hcivr"$ivr_number"_key root@$ip  ${line%?} >>./LOGS/HEALTH_CHECK_$day.log" >> alarmtest
done < commands.txt
chmod 700 alarmtest

and for alarmtest(for HCIVR5, key changes to hcivr6_key for HCIVR6 and so on) is this

ssh -i hcivr5_key [email protected]  ocstatus >>./LOGS/HEALTH_CHECK_04-25-2012.log
ssh -i hcivr5_key [email protected]  ocmp-bre status >>./LOGS/HEALTH_CHECK_04-25-2012.log

Now this program works for IVR5,6,7,8. After that i get the error ./run: line 4: temporary.txt: No such file or directory even when i comment the first two lines i get the same error. Where am i going wrong . Because when i manually open all the HCIVR folders and run ./hcivr_alarm everything works fine



ls -d IVR* > temporary.txt
while read ivr_line;do echo $ivr_line;pushd $ivr_line;./ivr_alarm;popd;done < temporary.txt
ls -d HCIVR* > temporary.txt
while read hcivr_line;do echo $hcivr_line;pushd $hcivr_line;./hcivr_alarm;popd;done < temporary.txt


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