English 中文(简体)
*** 例外:Prelude.read:no parse in Haskell - Parsing, expression and Recursion
原标题: *** Exception: Prelude.read: no parse in Haskell - Parsing, Expressions and Recursion

This portion of code should read in two or more numbers (main io function omitted), then a "+" to give the sum. Rationals are used because later i will do multiplications and such other operations.

data Expression =  Number Rational
               | Add (Expression)(Expression)

solve :: Expression -> Expression
solve (Add (Number x) (Number y)) = Number (x + y)

parse :: [String] -> [Expression] -> Double
parse ("+":s)(a:b:xs) = parse s (solve (Add a b):xs)
parse [] (answer:xs) = fromRational (toRational (read (show answer)::Float))
parse (x:xs) (y) = parse (xs) ((Number (toRational (read x::Float))):y)

(二) 差错是由于无法处理 par子功能。

*Main> parse ["1","2","+"] [Number 3]

*** Exception: Prelude.read: no parse

我研究了数据。 这一解决办法的网页和网页上,有点发现,希望得到一些帮助。 感谢




parse ("+":s)(a:b:xs) = parse (s)((solve (Add (Number a) (Number b))):xs)


parse ("+":s)(a:b:xs) = parse (s)((solve (Add a b)):xs)

自每一类型签名以来,ab 页: 1


parse :: [String] -> [Rational] -> Double


parse ("+":s)(a:b:xs) = parse s ((a + b):xs)


-- Complete solve to handle all cases
solve :: Expression -> Expression
solve expr@(Number _) = expr
solve (Add (Number x) (Number y)) = Number (x + y)
solve (Add x y) = solve (Add (solve x) (solve y))

-- Convert an Expression to Double
toDouble :: Expression -> Double
toDouble (Number x) = fromRational x
toDouble e = toDouble (solve e)

-- parse using a stack of `Expression`s
parse :: [String] -> [Expression] -> Double
parse ("+":s) (a:b:xs) = parse s ((solve (Add a b)):xs)
parse [] (answer:_) = toDouble answer
parse (x:xs) ys = parse xs (Number (toRational (read x :: Double)) : ys)
parse _ _ = 0

-- parse using a stack of `Rational`s
parseR :: [String] -> [Rational] -> Double
parseR ("+":s) (a:b:xs) = parseR s (a+b : xs)
parseR [] (answer:xs) = fromRational answer
parseR (x:xs) y = parseR xs ((toRational (read x::Double)):y)
parseR _ _ = 0


在您的<代码>parse上,第三种方程式将<代码>Rational转换成Expression通过Number的构造者,但以其他方式予以罚款。 然而,第二个方程式含有不同类型的问题:

parse [] (answer:xs) = fromRational (toRational (read (show answer)::Float))


(二) 差错是由于无法处理 par子功能。

*Main> parse ["1","2","+"] [Number 3]
*** Exception: Prelude.read: no parse

在使用第二个方程式时,中值的第一个要素(answer)为Number (3 % 1)show (Number (3 % 1)Number (3 % 1)",后者不是String。 可查阅



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